Code assembly tổng 2 số kiểu word (kỹ thuật vi xử lý)

Code assembly tổng 2 số kiểu word
(kỹ thuật vi xử lý)

.model tiny
.stack 100h
    tb1 db 'Nhap so thu nhat : $'
    tb2 db 13,10,'Nhap so thu hai : $'
    tb3 db 13,10,'Tong 2 so la : $'
    so1 dw 0
    so2 dw 0
    main proc
        mov ax,@data
        mov ds,ax
        lea dx,tb1
        mov ah,9
        int 21h
        ;nhap so thu nhat
            mov ah,1
            int 21h
            cmp al,13
            je hientb2
            mov cl,al
            mov ch,0
            sub cl,30h
            mov ax,so1
            mov bx,10
            mul bx
            add ax,cx
            mov so1,ax
            jmp nhapso1
            lea dx,tb2
            mov ah,9
            int 21h
        ;nhap so thu 2
            mov ah,1
            int 21h
            cmp al,13
            je hientb3
            mov cl,al
            mov ch,0
            sub cl,30h
            mov ax,so2
            mov bx,10
            mul bx
            add ax,cx
            mov so2,ax
            jmp nhapso2
         ;==TONG 2 SO ==
            lea dx,tb3
            mov ah,9
            int 21h
         ;gan so thu nhat vao ax
         mov ax,so1            
         ;cong ax voi so thu 2
         add ax,so2 
         ;khoi tao de thuc hien chia
         mov cx,0
         mov bx,10
         mov dx,0
         ;chia de hien thi ket qua
             div bx
             push dx
             inc cx
             cmp ax,0
             je hientong
             mov dx,0
             jmp chiatong
         ;hien ket qua ra man hinh
             pop dx
             add dl,30h
             mov ah,2
             int 21h
             loop hientong
            mov ah,76
            int 21h
         main endp
    end main

tag: tong hai so kieu word, tổng hai số kiểu word, assembly, kỹ thuật vi xử lý   
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